Credit union financial reporting standards in BC are too low and out of date. The standard should be higher in light of consolidation and technological change.
Public Policy
Feedback on the amended FIA
The BC Financial Services Authority (‘BCFSA’) has completed its first full year of operation and reported out. It is time for credit unions to assess how well the new regulatory regime works.
Financial Hamster Wheel
Low wages, predatory lending, and barriers to social mobility trap and disadvantage too many. Employers, governments, credit unions, retailers and others need to step up.
Income Security
Monetizing Your Every Move
How do credit unions address their members’ loss of privacy? Huge datasets have been aggregated and turned into proprietary treasures – at Google, Facebook, Amazon, etc.. What is in the member’s best interest?
Managing Uncertainty
When managing risk & uncertainty, statistical models are no substitute for cautious, reasoned judgement.
Credit Unions Sidelined by COVID-19?
The delivery system for Federal emergency support programs to business excludes most credits unions; Central 1 must step up.